Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Lego Star Destroyer: 50-Inches Long, 3,000 Pieces

Ever wanted to re-make the opening shot of Star Wars Episode IV in Lego, but could never find a Star Destroyer big enough? If you'd really wanted to do it, you probably would have just bought a whole lot of gray Legos and gotten on with it. But for the lazier film makers, we have just the thing: The Lego Star Wars Super Star Destroyer.

This thing is huge. In fact, I have a feeling the minifigs were Photoshopped into the image above because it doesn't show the scale: the assembled kit is 124.5 cm long, or just shy of 50 inches, and weighs 3.5 kilos, or almost eight pounds. Lets just say your kids probably won't be playing with this very often.

The kit has more than 3,000 (mostly gray) pieces, and comes with Vader, Admiral Piett, Dengar, Bossk and IG-88. It also comes with a tiny, cute regular Star Destroyer. I bet you never thought you'd hear the words “tiny” and “cute” used to describe such a hulking death machine.

Predictably, it isn't cheap. The kit will sell for $400 when it launches in September. That's a lot for a toy, but still not enough to stop me considering it.

Lego Star Wars Super Star Destroyer [Lego via Uncrate]


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