Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Angry Birds arrive on Windows Phone 7 at last

You can more or less claim that the cycle is complete – Rovio's insanely popular Angry Birds franchise is now available across most major mobile operating systems, having already appeared on iOS, Android, and now, Windows Phone 7. It would almost feel as though something was missing if your smartphone misses out on the Angry Birds phenomena, as there is something about those hair-tearing attempts at collecting three stars for each level, while unlocking all those golden eggs.

You will be able to download the ever popular Angry Birds game from the Windows Marketplace for $2.99 a pop, and for those who think that they can resist this game, you can always opt to “try" it for free.

With 165 levels for you to plow through, it might just end up being one of the better spent $2.99 on an app for your Windows Phone 7 handset. Of course, your boss might beg to differ since games are generally associated with a lower level of productivity around the cubicles.
source: Ubergizmo


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