Friday, August 12, 2011

Assassin's Creed Revelation Beta arrives on PlayStation Plus this September 3rd

Looking forward to Assassin's Creed Revelation? The beta will hit PlayStation Plus later this September 3rd, so you can start saving up your drool for that particular date. In the mean time, you might want to keep yourself occupied by playing the first Assassin's Creed just to relive all those moments and hone your killer instinct.

Just what can you expect from the beta? Here is a quick rundown, and bear in mind that this is far from a comprehensive list. There are nine characters in total which are available in the beta, and all of them are unlocked right from the get go so you need not worry about fighting your way through levels before your hard work is rewarded.

Most of them share the same overall behavior, but it is nice to see the developer put in some extra work to make sure their animation sequence is unique to the character, while their set of abilities are customizable. Among the characters you can choose from include The Sentinel, The Vanguard, The Guardian, The Vizier, The Thespian, The Deacon, The Bombardier, The Trickster and The Champion.

As with the characters, three maps are available from the get go, fully unlocked for you to enjoy. You can immerse yourself in a quartet of modes – with two of them being returning favorites from Assassin's Creed Brotherhood, while another two are totally new modes that were specially conjured after listening to player feedback. We're talking about Wanted, Manhunt, Deathmatch, and Artifact Assault, where the latter two are new.
source: Ubergizmo


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