Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Microsoft sells 1.5 million Xbox 360 consoles in Japan - after five years

While Microsoft's gaming console, the Xbox 360, has had no trouble moving units in the rest of the world, it seemed to have trouble making a dent in the Japanese market. Well, a Japanese site, Wazap, has just announced that Microsoft has finally sold the 1.5 millionth Xbox 360 in Japan. The console made its debut in 2005 and only surpassed a million sales until 2009. It's now 2011, and Microsoft has finally shipped another half million units in the land of the rising sun.

In case you were wondering - no, it's not selling very well. Fortunately for Microsoft, the console is selling much better in other countries so it doesn't need to sell in Japan to survive, but hey any increase in sales would be welcome, regardless of where it's happening. Any suggestions to how Microsoft could push sales of the Xbox 360 in Japan?
source: Ubergizmo


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